The Lebanese Basketball League is recognized as the top-tier professional men's basketball league in Lebanon. It is organized annually as a national championship with playoffs and a national cup by the Lebanese Basketball Federation (FLB).

Currently, the league consists of 10 teams, of which six are located in Beirut. The most successful club in the history of the league is Al Riyadi.


The initial Lebanese basketball league was formed in as early as the 1950s; however, it was stopped during the Lebanese Civil War. In 1992, the league was reformed into its current fully professional format.

The golden era began shortly after the new format league began in the 90s.

In 1996, Hekmeh were the Arab Championship runner-ups.

In 1998, Sporting Club (Al Riyadi) finished third in the FIBA Asia Champions Cup, that same year Beirut hosted the Arab Club Championship where Sagesse Club (Hekmeh) won, it was the first ever Arab basketball trophy for Lebanon.

In 1999, Beirut hosted the Arab Club Championship, Hekmeh were crowned champions again, in addition to being the first Lebanese and first Arab team to win the Asian cup.

Al Riyadi has its greatest success in the Arab Club Championship, they won the title in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2010; while Sagesse are the most decorated team in the FIBA Asian Club Championship with three record titles.

Ever since, many Lebanese clubs, have seen regular success in different international championships.

The 1999 season was inaugurated by a huge event that included an exhibition game between Lebanese All-stars (represented by the top four teams Sagesse, Riyadi, Tadamon, and Rosaire) and Harlem Globetrotters.

레바논 농구 대회 "프리미어 리그, 여자부"는 레바논에서 개최되는 농구 토너먼트입니다. 이 토너먼트는 레바논 여자 농구팀들 간의 경쟁을 통해 최고의 팀을 가려내는 대회입니다. 프리미어 리그는 레바논에서 가장 높은 수준의 여자 농구 리그로, 참가하는 팀들은 뛰어난 기술과 열정을 가지고 있습니다. 이 대회는 레바논 농구 팬들에게 농구 경기의 흥미와 재미를 제공하며, 여자 농구 선수들의 뛰어난 실력과 경기력을 선보이는 장입니다. 프리미어 리그, 여자부는 레바논 농구의 미래를 모색하고 발전시키는 중요한 대회로, 많은 관심과 응원이 기대됩니다.