축구연맹리그, 2부리그

축구연맹리그, 2부리그


Wikipedia - PFF League

The Pakistan Football Federation League B Division (Urdu: پاکستان فٹ بال فیڈریشن لیگ; abbreviated: PFFL) is a Pakistani professional league for men's football departments and clubs which are in the Pakistan football league system, and is the country's second-tier competition. Contested by 18 departments and clubs, it operates on a system of promotion and relegation with the top-tier Pakistan Premier League.

Each season, the two top-finishing teams from the PFFL's club phase and the departmental phase are automatically promoted to the Pakistan Premier League, and the winner of the final between club phase and departmental phase is crowned as the PFF League champion.

Pakistan Railways is the only club to have won the PFF League two times - their first in 2005–06 and the second in 2013–14. Current champions, Pakistan Navy are the only club to gain promotion to Pakistan Premier League after just one season in the PFF League, as they were relegated at the end of 2013–14 and won the PFF League in 2014–15. Baloch Quetta (club phase) and Masha United (departmental phase) are the current champions.


PFF League was founded in the 2004 to serve as the second division for the newly re-branded Pakistan Premier League. The league's name was originally planned as 'National League Division B'.

Its inaugural season was won by National Bank and Pakistan Public Works Department were the runners-up. Baloch Quetta is the team that has spent the most time in the PFF League, a total of 9 nine seasons.

In February 2020, after six years, Pakistan Football Federation announced the 2020 edition of the PFF League to be held across 4 cities (Quetta, Faisalabad, Karachi, and Lahore).

In 2021, the Pakistan Football Federation signed a partnership with Global Soccer Ventures to launch the Pakistan Football League (PFL), a franchised based football league which will be the main and sole professional football league of Pakistan and will be the country's first tier professional football league within the Pakistan football league system - the PFL will be independent of the semi-professional PPL (current Tier 1) and PFFL (current Tier 2).

축구연맹리그, 2부리그는 파키스탄에서 개최되는 축구 대회입니다. 이 대회는 파키스탄 축구 연맹이 주최하며, 파키스탄 내의 다양한 축구 클럽들이 참가합니다.

축구연맹리그, 2부리그는 파키스탄 축구 경기의 수준을 높이고, 선수들에게 경기 경험을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 대회는 파키스탄 내의 다양한 도시에서 개최되며, 많은 관중들이 경기를 관람하러 찾습니다.

이 대회는 경기력과 실력을 겨루는 경쟁의 장으로, 각 팀은 최고의 선수들을 보유하고 있습니다. 경기는 공정하고 격렬하며, 선수들은 최선을 다해 승리를 위해 노력합니다.

축구연맹리그, 2부리그는 파키스탄 축구의 발전과 선수들의 성장을 촉진하는 중요한 대회로 인정받고 있습니다. 이 대회를 통해 파키스탄 축구의 잠재력과 열정을 세계에 알리고, 국내 축구 문화의 발전에 기여하고자 합니다.