Taree 2023-07-18 04:45

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Propel Motion Damien Lane Damien Lane 8.000
07/14 23:09
07/18 04:48
2 Chain Of Gold Matthew Smith Matthew Smith 2.500
07/14 23:09
07/18 04:48
3 Flying Scotsman Tracey Bartley Tracey Bartley 34.000
07/14 23:09
07/18 04:48
4 Hard To Dismiss Scott Singleton Scott Singleton 10.000
07/14 23:09
07/17 01:00
5 Packer Gregory Hickman Gregory Hickman 4.800
07/14 23:09
07/18 04:48
6 2 Tayla's One Glen Milligan Glen Milligan 8.500
07/14 23:09
07/18 04:48
7 Curracabundi Wayne Wilkes Wayne Wilkes 26.000
07/14 23:09
07/18 04:48
8 3 Adelinda Tracey Bartley Tracey Bartley 12.000
07/14 23:09
07/18 04:48
9 Discreet Lady Tom Higgins Tom Higgins 11.000
07/14 23:09
07/18 04:48
10 1 Stratum Chief Glen Milligan Glen Milligan 15.000
07/14 23:09
07/18 04:48
11 Jesellix Jay Hopkins Jay Hopkins 61.000
07/14 23:09
07/18 04:48
12 4 La Marsa Neil Godbolt Neil Godbolt 51.000
07/14 23:09
07/18 04:48
13 Classic Bright Terry Evans Terry Evans 71.000
07/14 23:09
07/17 11:19
14 Brickster Vince Jones Vince Jones 81.000
07/14 23:09
07/18 04:48