Alice Springs 2023-08-25 04:56

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 4 Chopsticks Greg Connor Greg Connor 17.000
08/24 05:08
08/25 05:01
2 1 Boy Big Dan Morgan Dan Morgan 3.200
08/24 05:08
08/25 05:01
3 Truckload Of Hoffa James Carroll James Carroll 5.000
08/24 05:08
08/25 05:01
4 3 Perkova Paul Gardner Paul Gardner 4.800
08/24 05:08
08/25 05:01
5 The Last Charge Will Savage Will Savage 10.000
08/24 05:08
08/25 05:01
6 Heroic Spirit John Peacock John Peacock 23.000
08/24 05:08
08/25 05:01
7 Centre Circle Leanne Gillett Leanne Gillett 15.000
08/24 05:08
08/25 05:01
8 2 Lisa Kevin Lamprecht Kevin Lamprecht 19.000
08/24 05:08
08/25 05:01
9 Kenneth James Carroll James Carroll 13.000
08/24 05:08
08/24 13:03
10 Rhythmical Kevin Lamprecht Kevin Lamprecht 29.000
08/24 05:08
08/24 13:03
11 Talent Quest Will Savage Will Savage 9.000
08/24 05:08
08/24 13:03
12 Drawn To Win Lisa Whittle Lisa Whittle 41.000
08/24 05:08
08/25 05:01